JEMS Learning House was founded in 2009 with the vision of seeing each child as a Junior Excellent Member of Society (JEMS). JEMS is an English-speaking, after school learning community focusing on Character Education for children up to aged 12.

With the belief that great leaders who contribute to society not only have to be intelligent but also have to have strong character and values, the curriculum at JEMS focuses on building character as a foundation for raising leaders.

We believe “intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.”





Our Founder’s Columns

Our Parents & Students

Our Heart and Mission

We believe education goes beyond transferring knowledge and skills; education is developing each child to fulfill his/her true potential. Leaders of tomorrow need more than knowledge and skills to excel – they need a foundation of strong character that equips them to make the right choices and face challenges in life.

Excellent leaders are ones who are confident and have a strong sense of identity, have solid relationships with friends and family and have a positive impact on the community.

Our Team

Christine Ma-Lau

Founder & Principal

Christine Ma-Lau is the Founder and Principal of JEMS Learning House, a leading educational institution that provides Character Education to children up to the age of twelve. She created the school out of her passion for educating young people in character and values, believing that, as Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education”. She is also the Founder and Chairperson of Character Education Foundation, the organisation that leads the annual citywide Character Day campaign that invites schools, organisations and companies to take part in celebrating and developing character strengths. Christine is an Adjunct Professor at The Education University of Hong Kong and is also an Advisor to the Centre for Religious and Spiritual Education at the institution. Christine holds a Master’s Degree in Education from the University of Pennsylvania with a concentration on child development and a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Philosophy from the London School of Economics. Prior to that, she attended Wycombe Abbey School in England and international schools in Hong Kong.

Connie Mak

School Development Manager

Connie Mak passionately believes in empowering young children and in equipping them with character, compassion, and value..

Frances Boa

Administrative Manager

Frances Boa is the administrative manager at JEMS. She has over seven years of experience working as a general

Phoebe Lai

Administrative Assistant

Phoebe Lai is the friendly voice on the phone at JEMS. She is the front office receptionist and has been a part of the JEMS
family since..

Stephanie Tang


Stephanie Tang is a gifted and energetic teacher. She obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work from the University of British Columbia..

Sandi Cheng


Sandi Cheng believes each child is unique and talented, and that building up character at an early age is the key to success in

Michelle Wong


Michelle Wong is a caring and compassionate teacher. She hopes to walk alongside children in safe and trusting relationships and see them reach their...

Yumana Lau


Yumana Lau has a great passion to work with children and is creative in providing a fun and safe...

Kary Tang


Kary Tang is an energetic and enthusiastic teacher. Kary was raised both in Canada and ...

Sherry Cheung


Sherry Cheung holds a Master’s Degree of Education specialising in Educational Psychology...

Regine Chung


Regine Chung is a passionate and caring teacher. She wishes to build trusting...

Patrick Tsui


Patrick Tsui is fun, perceptive and passionate. He enjoys spending time with students and adults...

Daisy Mak


Daisy Mak has a strong passion for education, and channels her enthusiasm towards educating young...

Our Approach

A unique three-part curriculum is adopted at JEMS that covers three key learning areas which are taught progressively starting with the child’s IDENTITY, onto close RELATIONSHIPS, and then the COMMUNITY.

JEMS Methodology

JEMS teaches based on how children learn and make lessons fun. When classes are fun, children learn better. The child-focused methodology at JEMS takes students from THEORY to PRACTICE. Referencing Michele Borba’s 5-Step character teaching approach, JEMS works closely with parents in teaching and guiding students through this process of taking theory into practice.

Teaching Tools

Lessons are taught through a variety of activities that are DEVELOPMENTALLY APPROPRIATE and APPLICABLE. Activities include: Role Plays, Performances, and Technology Projects. Others include:

Small Class Sizes

PERSONAL ATTENTION is of utmost importance at JEMS. The JEMS team values getting to know every student personally to carry out the most effective child-focused education.

Small class sizes also allow for QUALITY OBSERVATION and EVALUATION on student progress.

JEMS Learning House

With over 4000 square feet of space, students can freely enjoy the facilities at JEMS. The bright and dynamic environment at JEMS makes it fun to love learning. We provide a nurturing and accepting environment, which gives children the freedom to explore and express their creativity and opinions.

Our Founder's Columns

How Healthy Are You?

HK Economic Journal, October 19, 2017

I was leading a teacher training session last week and the topic was on character education and […]

The Key to Happiness

HK Economic Journal, September 29, 2017

I was sitting in a car on my way to a doctor’s appointment the other day and it was pouring […]

How Do You Praise?

HK Economic Journal, September 28, 2017

I was at a dinner with my family and some family friends one evening and my son was interacting with […]

Falling Well

HK Economic Journal, September 14, 2017

Just last week, I was on holiday with my husband and 14-month son and we were staying at a hotel[…]

Choose Kindness

HK Economic Journal, August 31, 2017

The other day, I was in a shopping mall and leaving the building. I pulled the door open to walk out[…]

Practice Makes Perfect

HK Economic Journal, August 3, 2017

Today, a friend of mine shared a story with me about a pottery teacher. This teacher wanted to see[…]

The 3 Ps

HK Economic Journal, June 22, 2017

This week, I was honoured to attend a Youth Global Entrepreneurship Forum and was asked to speak[…]

Who’s to Blame?

HK Economic Journal, June 8, 2017

I recently saw a situation where a little boy fell down on the ground and an adult came hurriedly[…]

Why Do Children Lie?

HK Economic Journal, May 25, 2017

I once did an informal survey asking parents what they think the most important character[…]

Are You Listening?

HK Economic Journal, May 11, 2017

There’s a big difference between hearing someone and listening to someone. Hearing someone[…]

Show Not Tell

HK Economic Journal, March 16, 2017

I was recently at a charity dinner for an organisation that helps people in Africa with restoring[…]

Engage with Empathy

HK Economic Journal, March 2, 2017

As a Character Educator, I have always been a supporter of teaching empathy where empathy[…]

Communicating With ...

HK Economic Journal, February 16, 2017

I was recently invited to give a talk to parents of teenagers on the topic of how to communicate[…]

I Have a Dream

HK Economic Journal, February 2, 2017

“I want to be a ninja!” […]I was recently invited to give a talk to parents of teenagers on the topic[…]

Self-Control is the Way...

HK Economic Journal, January 19, 2017

Watch your thoughts for they become your emotions; Watch your emotions for they become your words, […]

Self-Control is the Way...

HK Economic Journal, January 5, 2017

Watch your thoughts for they become your emotions; Watch your emotions for they become your words, […]

Self-control is the Way...

HK Economic Journal, December 22, 2016

Watch your thoughts for they become your emotions; Watch your emotions for they become your words, […]

Self-Control is the Way...

HK Economic Journal, December 8, 2016

Watch your thoughts for they become your emotions; Watch your emotions for they become your words, […]

What to Teach our Kids...

HK Economic Journal, November 24, 2016

This week has been an emotional one for many people, and not just people in the United States[…]

Self-Control is the Way...

HK Economic Journal, November 10, 2016

Watch your thoughts for they become your emotions; Watch your emotions for they become your words, […]

Failing Forward

HK Economic Journal, October 27, 2016

My 4-month old baby is growing by the day and every morning I wake up with anticipation to see[…]

The Biggest Lesson I’ve...

HK Economic Journal, October 13, 2016

A little over 3 months ago, I had the pleasure and blessing of welcoming our son to this world.[…]

Recommended Reading ...

HK Economic Journal, September 15, 2016

It’s that time of the year again – the beginning of the school year! This time of year can bring[…]

Recommended Reading ...

HK Economic Journal, September 1, 2016

I like books that can teach a moral lesson and if the book can make me laugh, then even better! This[…]

Recommended Reading ...

HK Economic Journal, August 18, 2016

It’s always a joy and delight to support local artists and this week, I have the pleasure of[…]

Recommended Reading ...

HK Economic Journal, July 21, 2016

Over the summer, I will share some of my favourite children’s books that can be read by children[…]

Recommended Reading ...

HK Economic Journal, July 7, 2016

Summer is nearing and it’s a wonderful time for children to delve into some summer reading[…]

Recommended Reading ...

HK Economic Journal, June 23, 2016

Summer is soon approaching and it’s a wonderful time for children to delve into some reading.[…]

A Balanced Diet

HK Economic Journal, June 2, 2016

We all know the importance of having a balanced diet and how it affects our health. Children[…]

Growing in Gratitude

HK Economic Journal, May 19, 2016

If there was one character trait that I think goes at the top of the list for everyone to grow in, myself[…]

Ordinary People, ...

HK Economic Journal, May 5, 2016

I recently came across a children’s book entitled ‘Ordinary Mary’s Extraordinary Deed’ which is […]

Raising a Young ...

HK Economic Journal, April 21, 2016

Jason had asked for permission to go to the bathroom at JEMS and he quietly left his classroom to […]

Oxygen Masks

HK Economic Journal, April 7, 2016

I was recently travelling back from a family vacation and was watching the safety video on the airplane.[…]

What Matters Most?

HK Economic Journal, March 24, 2016

As we hear the devastating news of yet another child committing suicide in Hong Kong, it really is […]

The Selfishness of ...

HK Economic Journal, March 10, 2016

“It is much more agreeable to offend and later ask forgiveness than to be offended and grant forgiveness […]

#TurningTheTide at ...

HK Economic Journal, February 25, 2016

I once attended a talk regarding college admissions where the speaker used to be an admissions officer […]

How to Teach Character

HK Economic Journal, February 11, 2016

I was at a dinner party recently when someone asked me what I do. I told her that I teach children[…]

Manners Matter

HK Economic Journal, February 4, 2016

I spent a number of my years growing up in England. My family moved there for 2 years when I was 8[…]

7 Keys to Raising...

HK Economic Journal, February 4, 2016

We all want our children to be successful but what are some ingredients to success? I would choose these 7[…]

Time Out to Make...

HK Economic Journal, December 31, 2015

Recently, social media exploded with the news of Steve Harvey’s very public and embarrassing […]

Time Out to Reflect

HK Economic Journal, December 17, 2015

I love Christmas time and especially celebrating it in a city that is full of lights and excitement […]

Time Out for Dates

HK Economic Journal, December 17, 2015

I recently came across an article that talked about the importance of ‘dating’ your spouse. […]

Time Out for Parents

HK Economic Journal, December 17, 2015

Around the time I got married, lots of people started asking me and my husband when we would […]

Time Out for Mums

HK Economic Journal, December 17, 2015

One of my friends from Singapore messaged me out of the blue one day saying that […]

Time Out for Kids

HK Economic Journal, December 17, 2015

When we think of ‘time out’ for kids, we often think of it as a punishment after they have done […]

Love & Respect

HK Economic Journal, September 17, 2015

I had the privilege of listening to a world-renowned speaker last night by the name of Michael Ramsden […]

Building Friendship ...

HK Economic Journal, August 27, 2015

During one of my recent travels, I was in a city where they were building a bridge across a wide river.[…]

Bucket Fillers and ...

HK Economic Journal, August 13, 2015

“Mummy, thank you for filling my bucket today” One parent just came and shared that her son said[…]

Inside Out

HK Economic Journal, July 30, 2015

I love watching travel shows and can spend hours in front of the TV watching others go to exotic places, […]


HK Economic Journal, July 16, 2015

I love watching travel shows and can spend hours in front of the TV watching others go to exotic places, […]


HK Economic Journal, May 7, 2015

Just this week, I received one of the most touching messages from a student. It was from the first[…]

Nike Shoes & Lai See

HK Economic Journal, March 21, 2015

One cold winter in Milwaukee, Frank Daily had just finished his long day at school. He carried his heavy[…]

Don’t Hold & Explode

HK Economic Journal, March 7, 2015

The other evening, I was at a dinner event where Bill Hybels was speaking on leadership and sharing[…]

How Children Succeed

HK Economic Journal, January 17, 2015

Over Christmas, I read a book that I really enjoyed. Entitled ‘How Children Succeed’, the author goes[…]

New Years Resolutions

HK Economic Journal, January 3, 2015

2015 is fast approaching and it’s unbelievable how quickly time flies! It’s that time of year[…]

Reading to Jump Aboard?

HK Economic Journal, December 7, 2014

Preparation and research should begin years before the children are packed off to boarding schools[…]

Shadow Side

HK Economic Journal, November 29, 2014

I was recently at a conference that focused on Positive Psychology and character strengths. The[…]


HK Economic Journal, November 15, 2014

There’s a story about a warrior who led a powerful army and led them to new lands and to victory.[…]

What do you do when...

HK Economic Journal, November 1, 2014

This morning, I was getting my usual latte at a coffee shop when a gentleman walked up to the counter[…]

Cost does not equal worth

HK Economic Journal, October 18, 2014

I remember a class I taught when I asked my 9 year old students to put 10 items in the order of cost.[…]

Raising Responsible ...

HK Economic Journal, October 3, 2014

As an educator in character education, people often ask me what I think of ‘Hong Kong children’ (港孩)[…]


HK Economic Journal, September 20, 2014

One thing that has always fascinated me is bamboo scaffolding in Hong Kong. I think they look like works[…]

Beyond the Bucket

HK Economic Journal, September 6, 2014

About a week ago, I received the nomination from a friend for me to do the Ice Bucket Challenge.[…]


HK Economic Journal, August 23, 2014

“So what do you like doing in your spare time?” “Spending time with friends mostly.” “What about[…]

Win at the starting line

HK Economic Journal, June 7, 2014

My new year’s resolution this year was to be able to run 10k. For someone non-sporty like me, it’s […]

Where is Your Heart?

HK Economic Journal, May 24, 2014

There’s a verse in the Bible that says “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”.[…]

I Want to be a Zookeeper!

HK Economic Journal, May 10, 2014

In class one day, I was talking to my 6-year-old students and asked them what they’d like to be when they […]

Boundaries #6 – Change

HK Economic Journal, April 12, 2014

This series has been on the topic of Boundaries, and looking at how to set effective boundaries to […]

Boundaries #5 – Coop...

HK Economic Journal, March 29, 2014

This series has been on the importance of setting boundaries in helping children learn and thrive.[…]

Boundaries #4 – Conseq...

HK Economic Journal, March 15, 2014

This series is on the theme of boundaries with children. In the same way that sports can only be played […]

Boundaries #3 – Consis..

HK Economic Journal, February 28, 2014

This series is on the theme of boundaries with children. In the same way that sports can only be played […]

Boundaries #2

HK Economic Journal, February 15, 2014

In the first edition of this series, I had talked about the importance of boundaries with children […]

Boundaries #1

HK Economic Journal, January 25, 2014

“Out!” shouts the umpire as my tennis ball lands outside the court I was playing a tiring set […]

Giving is Better than ...

HK Economic Journal, December 28, 2013

“Mummy, I don’t need any Christmas presents this year. I hope Santa gives gifts to children in the […]


HK Economic Journal, December 14, 2013

There’s been a wave of attention and supply of ‘interview classes’ for children. Recently, I saw a […]

Sowing Seeds

HK Economic Journal, November 30, 2013

There’s a story about how a farmer sowed seeds the seeds landed on four different types of ground.[…]

Half Empty or Half Full

HK Economic Journal, November 16, 2013

When you look at the glass, do you think it’s half empty or half full? For those with a more […]

Work in Progress

HK Economic Journal, November 2, 2013

One of my greatest strengths I believe is also my greatest weakness. I am someone who strives for […]

Communication is Key...

HK Economic Journal, October 19, 2013

Last month, a study came out by the Hong Kong Research Association stating that they found that of the […]

The Power of Preparation

HK Economic Journal, October 5, 2013

A couple of months ago, I went to go scuba diving. I had never been scuba diving before and I was petrified. […]

Laundry & Meals

HK Economic Journal, September 21, 2013

I remember heading to boarding school when I was 16 being excited and nervous at the same time. Aside […]

What is Character Edu...

HK Economic Journal, September 7, 2013

Many people ask me about what I do and when I answer them with ‘Character Education’, many people[…]

A Full Bucket

HK Economic Journal, August 10, 2013

In all my experiences as an educator, I have never experienced what I did last week. I had taught […]

I Want To Succeed

HK Economic Journal, July 27, 2013

I recently started getting personal training sessions at the gym. I was recommended a lovely lady […]

Protection vs. Over...

HK Economic Journal, July 13, 2013

I was recently absolutely shocked to hear some true stories from people around me. A primary […]

Learning To Lose

HK Economic Journal, June 29, 2013

In the movie Friday Night Lights, we see the football team, The Panthers, trying to make […]

Love Languages ...

HK Economic Journal, June 15, 2013

“My husband lavishes me with gifts but doesn’t spend any time with me. I just wish he’d take […]

The Power of Cont...

HK Economic Journal, June 1, 2013

A couple weeks ago, I went to visit Phnom Penh in Cambodia. It was my first trip there and it was […]

What is Success?

HK Economic Journal, May 18, 2013

I was recently having dinner with some friends who have an adorable 2 year-old son. At dinner, this […]

The Power of Hands

HK Economic Journal, May 4, 2013

It has been sobering reading the news these past couple of weeks. Whether it’s been about heartless […]

The Power of Waiting

HK Economic Journal, April 20, 2013

We live in a microwave generation. In the same way that food can be piping hot and ready to eat within […]

The Power of Differ...

HK Economic Journal, April 6, 2013

In my last column, I wrote about the Power of Uniqueness – that everyone is created to be unique with […]

The Power of Uniqueness

HK Economic Journal, March 16, 2013

One of my favourite children’s books is a book called ‘You Are Special’ by Max Lucado. It’s about these […]

The Power of the ...

HK Economic Journal, March 9, 2013

I was recently in California where I spent a couple days in Silicon Valley. There’s an exciting buzz about that place because it’s the hotbed of […]

The Power of Failure

HK Economic Journal, February 23, 2013

Thomas Edison is one of my all-time role models. He is most famously known for his invention of the light bulb and without that, our world […]

The Power of Belief

HK Economic Journal, February 9, 2013

I remember the time when I studied in London in primary school very fondly – my caring teachers, my interesting friends, and my active school […]

The Power of Words

HK Economic Journal, January 26, 2013

‘Useless. Passive. Slow.’ These were the words that[…]

Message from Founder

HK Economic Journal, July 21, 2009

Find out more about the heart behind our Founder’s vision.

Our Parents & Students

What is the Most...


I think that respect is the most important out of all the character traits.[…]

Amanda, Mother of Alexa


Alexa is a big JEMS fan and she looks forward to her JEMS class every week.[…]

Juliana, Mother of Isabelle


Dear Principal Christine, It is with a heart of immense gratitude that I […]

Carol, Mother of Joelle


Joelle becomes more confident in herself and in relating to others after attending JEMS.[…]

Lynn, Mother of Nadia and Nathan


JEMS is a little like a home away from home for my children – they feel happy and safe[…]

Something to share by a old student, Kristen


Dear Ms. Christine, I hope you still remember me! I was your first and second year student […]

Mei, Mother of Andrew


The most impressive is the class puts emphasis on understanding and application.

Ida, Mother of Yik Ka


My son learns a lot of positive attitudes how to get along with people from JEMS.[…]

Teresa, Mother of Oliver


Oliver has improved his confident level after joining JEMS and now he is more open in […]

JEMS Parent - Sabrina Fung


We love the constant updates about the course curriculum and how the kids had been doing in the […]

JEMS Graduate - Yuet Sham, 12


At JEMS I have learnt about many things about character, but the most important topic is perseverance.[…]

JEMS Parent - Bella Lo


I think JEMS has been doing a fantastic job so far, always paying lots of attention to each child’s needs[…]

JEMS Graduate - Vicky Shi, 11


The most memorable topic I have learnt is to have courage. I learnt that you[…]

JEMS Parent - Janet Lee


My children have improved tremendously. They have grown spiritually[…]

JEMS Graduate - Gillian Lo, 12


The most memorable topic I’ve learnt at JEMS is respect. Showing[…]

JEMS Parents - Ava Lam


There are many amazing changes in their life and their attitude to […]

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